Daily Bitcoins - Enter bitcoin address get free bitcoins. You can do it ever hour.
Bitcoins4Me - Similar to Daily Bitcoins just enter your address and get free bitcoins. You can enter every hour.
Coin Ticket - Enter Address get free Bitcoins. Can only do it one per day.
Bunny Run - Once per Day, pick your bunny and hope for the best. So far i only have gotten 3rd all the time.
BitSprinkle - Its a twitter account that gives out bitcoins. Right now their a few that are pending, so you might have to wait for a little while.
Can Has Bitcoin - Free Bitcoin every hour, Warning awful 90 website design :)
FreeBitcoinsGiveAway - Free bitcoins once per day, this website don't use captcha it make you go to some pasta website that has the code, then you can enter in.